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arrows shooting up


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ok for starters, i have SkyRe and i have a faster arrows mod but i think it was skyRe that did this... i really dont want to remove it because its my favorite mod to use. i was just wondering if there was any other fixes that doesnt remove SkyRe.


my arrows are arching in like an upward direction :-/


example: i started a new game to experience skyre to its full glory and i was absolutly LOVING IT. but when i took a longbow (skyre makes longbows/shortbows) it kinda shot really high. i noticed it and i didnt really think too much of it cause i was close quarters and i thought it would arch down a lot, but it didnt. i was on the way to bleak falls barrow and i was trying to snipe the guy that leans on a tree on the way up to bleak falls barrow, and i shot dead center of him and it didnt hit him, then i just went up and killed them with some new weapons added from skyre and then i looked at the arrow and it was maybe 2-3 feet above the guys head, so maybe 4 or 5 feet off. and this made me mad because i knew that it might have broke the arrow trajectory system (if there was one), i know it wasnt like that before and i certainly didnt like how it did this. then i tried to snipe someone from maybe 90 feet away and i aimed below his feet, and it went over his head...


i dont know how to fix this and the people at the bugs/faq/comments section in SkyRe are being completely useless right now... and i havent even gotten a reply.


please help.

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Add and/or edit the following lines in your skyrim.ini










Which wall create a realistic curve and trajectory when firing arrows from a bow, and improve the magnetism of melee and also help reduce auto aiming for arrows.

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