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Attack glitch after 1.6 patch


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I've been having a very strange glitch that I can't seem to find a solution for or find anybody else with the same problem.

After I patched the game to 1.6, I can attack with my right hand (NOT the left hand) as much as about 5 times in a second.

This only happens while I'm moving and in third person. My character doesn't even execute the attack animation completely, it just does the animation up until the point when I press the attack button again.

That isn't really a problem for me since I mostly play in 1st person, the real problem is that NPCs (creatures and falmer don't) do it too.

That makes common bandits godlike opponents that attack 20 times in two seconds and easily defeat me each time. I tried disabling all my mods (SKSE and ScriptDragon too) and it still happens. If you don't understand what I mean I'll upload a video.

I really can't play the game like this, so I thought I'd try asking here. So, any idea, guys? :sad:

Edited by oneguy090
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Did you also deactive and fully remove all animation mods, mods that edit horses, and killmoves, such as Advance Kill Moves?


Yeah, I first tried disabling all my animation mods, then I tried disabling all of my mods, still nothing. :facepalm:

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