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Can't mod Sturdy Caravan Shotgun w/ WMX?


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What EXACTLY was the error message? (A screenshot is good. See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to link images.) Did it come from MO, FNVEdit, the GECK, or the game engine? (You don't "edit" anything directly in the game, so your statement is confusing.) Details matter.



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What EXACTLY was the error message? (A screenshot is good. See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to link images.) Did it come from MO, FNVEdit, the GECK, or the game engine? (You don't "edit" anything directly in the game, so your statement is confusing.) Details matter.





My bad. Yeah, there is no error message. It successfully created the Merge Patch but it remains the same. Says Sturdy Caravan Shotgun can't be modified. :confused:

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So, by "can't be modified" you mean you can't add a weapon mod (such as a "shotgun choke") to the weapon? We are no longer talking about changing the texture? ("Modified" is one of those terms with several meanings within this community.)


In general most POP and other "unique" weapons don't accept such "weapon mods". Because they have "unique names" instead of the generic ones, the vanilla weapon mod system doesn't have them in it's "leveled lists" of acceptable weapons for each type of mod. I'm not recalling if WMX adds them to it's "shotgun lists". This is similar to the issue where GRA mods can't be added to vanilla weapons for the same reason.


The manually created "Merge Patch" file doesn't deal with reconciling leveled lists from different plugins. Consequently, if more than one plugin alters a given leveled list, the last to load "wins" (Rule of One). This is one of the advantages of "Wrye Flash", as it does reconcile leveled list.


If the vanilla or WMX "Sturdy Caravan Shotgun" could accept a weapon mod, so should your re-textured version: assuming you kept the name the same. If you altered the Editor-ID by as little as a single character, you've created a new "unique weapon" which would then not be in the "leveled lists".


Please see 'TIP: Level Lists and GetBaseObject versus GetBaseForm' in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.



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Yes, i'm talking about adding weapons modifications in-game. I've successfully change the model. This thread is about just adding weapon mods to the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun. I thought maybe the unique model is getting in the way. Which I think it clearly is. Because I could modify the shotgun when it has the default model. So many complications over a silly weapon. Wish they'd just make a CLEAN model from the start. Screw-top POS... Can't stand it.

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It has nothing to do with the model. You cannot modify the form record for the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun, period.


The game engine will not load any record overrides from any plugins for injected records. It loads the record data once and then fails to resolve the FormID each time that an overriding record is loaded from a subsequent plugin.


Blame Obsidian for an awful design choice that I'm sure someone thought was clever at the time.

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It has nothing to do with the model. You cannot modify the form record for the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun, period.


The game engine will not load any record overrides from any plugins for injected records. It loads the record data once and then fails to resolve the FormID each time that an overriding record is loaded from a subsequent plugin.


Blame Obsidian for an awful design choice that I'm sure someone thought was clever at the time.



Well, in case you missed that part, i can modify the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun (add weapon modifications). But I can no longer do that once I change the model. So i'm not sure what you're referring to.

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I would suggest rather than fighting with the POP "Sturdy Caravan Shotgun (SCS)": instead you clone it's mesh, give it a different name and Editor-ID, and make your texture and "weapon mod" changes to that and place it in the gameworld in Goodsprings. (Doc Mitchell's is getting pretty crowded, so place it somewhere else or just have it automatically added to the Player inventory. You could even have it replace the SCS whenever it appears in the player inventory using an "OnEquip" event.) Bypasses the "injected records" question completely.



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