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help with creation kit


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hey everyone. i just recently started using creation kit, and it is very neat and a useful tool for modding. i did notice for each piece of armor/weapon, there's a set number of users for it, and when you right click on it, it tell you the user info. here's my question: is there a way where you can add a user or users, to a certain piece of armor or weapon? any help would be useful and appreciated.
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sorry for double post, but i what i meant to ask is, is there a way where you can add to a object's use. like for say, in the user info, it says craft armor and temper armor or something like that, and you look at a pair of boots and you can only craft it, but you want to be able to temper it as well. i know there's someone on here that knows what i'm talking about, seeing all the mods that people make.
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