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Dragon age/mass effect armor request


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If you are looking for DA warden trailer armor, I have this armor I have made myself. Still in progress, which is why the textures still look pretty bad, but if anyone wants to use the mesh and continue from there, they are allowed to do so. Just note that the hand meshes are from the DA:O main game, so you wil have to replace those if you intend to put it in skyrim:



If anyone does port it and make textures, I would humbly ask to use those new textures fro DA:O as well though :thumbsup: Even trade, right? And would save me a lot of time :P


Edited by amycus
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I guess it's not the armor that Eatmoorechicken was asking, but good to see that you just recommended it!

Really good work, amycus! I wish some other guys would follow your example and try to make some excellent stuff like yours!


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