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Introduction thread w/ a few questions


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Hello World,


Im fairly new to the Nexus Skyrim modding scene, and i only joined b/c of the shear massive amount of easily attainable info and help. Im super excited to start modding, since after the main quest-line and Dark Brotherhood/Winterhold College/Companions/etc, it got a little more boring :( Its truly amazing what mod's have been created and im glad to be here.


Now for my questions/comments:


- What are some recommended mods to start out with? My first mod so far was the Character Manager (2.16). Its pretty straightforward. The only problem has been that i cant use that mod with my NMM? Or maybe im not doing it right.... Anywho,


-Skyrim Online is something that ive been reading up on. It seems very very promising if its completed. Alpha stage is impressive as well. Is there an ETA on a true Beta? Thats the main reason i refused to buy Skyrim at first, was b/c of the lack of multiplayer :(




if these are reposts or annoyingly common topics, im sorry, im new, so dont flame me haha




More questions will come w/ time!



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Welcome Eric


Let me give you some beginner tips.


Before downloading any mod, check the comments section for problems that other users could be having. If there are too many problems, leave it alone and check back every once in a while.


Only download one mod at a time. Try it out, test it, make sure it works and doesn't crash your game. Too many people go apeshit and download everything they can find, and then post a thread which consists of a plea for help and a laundry list of mods.


Don't change leveled lists unless you absolutely have to, these create the most conflicts. If you want to learn how to use the program that fixes compatibility issues with leveled lists, you might as well learn to make the mods yourself.


Mods that seem too good to be true always are.


Skyrim online? Years.


Have fun :biggrin:

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