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Need some help with the GECK


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I'm trying to create my first quest mod, and am having some trouble. When Doing the "Quest Alias" portion of creating a quest mod, I go to choose an NPC I created so he can give the player the quest. The problem, however, is that the character is nowhere to be found in the list of NPCs in the game. The plugins are detected, the characters are in the world, everything SHOULD work, Below are some screenshots.

DeckardNPC is the one I'm trying to link with the beginning of the quest, however he isn't in the list at all. (I know the D-section of NPCs gets cut off, but I assure you he isn't in the list.)

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Did you mark the "Unique" box on the NPC record?

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You also need to set a persist location for the placed NPC reference. Otherwise it will cause the quest startup to fail filling the alias unless it's a start enabled quest. But even if it is, you should set a persist location for the NPC. It also should not be a vanilla location or it will cause an override of that location to be made in your mod.

Edited by BigAndFlabby
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