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Mod that changes NPC to NPC conversations?


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Hi...I just got back into my Skyrim SE playthrough for the first time in a few months, and at one point, I walked into the Bee & Barb in Riften, and *all* the NPCs in there started carrying on conversations with each other at once! I enjoy that part of the game where you can listen in on conversations, but this was deafening, and I couldn't zero in on any one conversation! Is there a mod that fixes this?

Just in case this is an issue caused by one of the mods I already have, here's the list of the mods I use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/161Z4jwOfFzi8s3FEaKGN9K2slg7Yvq4MEMBQWLrMc5g/edit?usp=sharing


Thanks very much!

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