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(Video) Dawnguard Vampire Lord Guide - Spells - Perk Tree


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Hey peeps!


Heres a quick glimpse at what it is to ravage as a Vampire Lord. A more in depth Video will come out soon but this is a quick tease and run down of the new Perks for Vampire Lords.






Natural abilities:

Bats - A dodge move where you turn into a swarm of bats and fly away a short distance.

Vampire Sight - See things that normal eyes cannot.

Raise Dead - Raise an enemy to fight by your side.

Vampiric Drainball - An explosive red ball, similar to Fireball, that has a drain health effect like Vampiric Drain.




Faster movement while hovering and able to move over obstacle such as water, spikes, or pressure plates.

Sprinting makes you fly at high speed across the land with the benefits of the hover mode.

Powerful melee attacks.

Access to vampiric spells and powers not normally available through spell-books or dragon shouts.




Forced third-person view.

No access to the menu as it only brings up the vampire skill tree.

Transforming or being seen in Vampire Lord form will make NPCs hostile.

You may also get stuck in some small doorways if you are in a dungeon or house.




While in Vampire Lord form you can choose to be a spell caster while hovering.

You can also choose to stop hovering and go into melee mode where you can fight with your claws.

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So what do you get while not in lord form?

And what spells are you able to use in lord form?

I think that when you are in normal form NPCs won't attack you(unlike vanilla,where they attack you if your vampirism stage is high).Don't know about the spells tho.

Edited by Amphibian
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