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Hubris Television Studio Missing Walls (with Rainbow "Cloud" Everywhere)


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I'm having a problem wherein some cells are missing walls or floors, and in some places, you can see through the world into this weird glitchy "rainbow cloud" (not sure how else to describe it.


The worst of these is in the Creation Club content "Captain Cosmos" in the Hubris Television Studio. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all missing, causing me to fall endlessly through the world warping to the top then falling and doing it all over again.


I am running mods on my normal game, but I just did a clean run with JUST this mod installed and I'm still having the problem. FO4Edit shows nothing interfering with any of the assets the .esl adds. I also tried deleting and regenerating my .ini files. I'm pretty much out of ideas here. I've heard this can be an issue with AMD cards not loading things properly, but I don't know how to confirm that or fix it if it is the problem.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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