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Extreme Darkness....


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Hello there, i've been seeing (or rather not seeing at all) an issue in morrowind.


Recently I had to do a fresh install and completely delete everyting (plugins, textures, all of morrowind, etc.)


Now, its been going smooth now and i'm picking out mods and i've only a few runing at the moment since I just redid everything about three days ago.

Though I noticed this, it was kind of hard not to, that I can't see and its extremely dark in some places.


Now, i've no lighting mods installed or new lighting functions, etc. So I tried to remedy it by trying some lighting mods or lighting functions, no avial.

Whats really annoying is SOMETIMES, you can see flames and NO lights around them. No lighting at all.


Outside? Its perfectly fine, except night, then its harsh and cant see anything. Even with my brightness and gamma all the way up.


Screenshots speak louder than works on this matter.


http://i35.tinypic.com/1zyiqhl.jpg (This is a screenshot of a cavern, now, I did have a travel lanter equip but it seriously does NOTHING.)


http://i35.tinypic.com/2wbvx3r.jpg (This particular shot i'm actually standing by a cavern door, which has a torch on the left side the barely able to make shape of torch flame.)


http://i33.tinypic.com/nwy1c1.jpg (This screenshot is of outside at the same brightness and gamma)



Now, I tried turning EVERYTHING up brightness wise and it resulted in a weird sort of tealish outline on SOME objects and some tealish fuzzy flames. Still no lighting.


Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for spending the time to read this.

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Are these dark places added by user mods? Or are they from Vanilla Morrowind?


The reason I ask is that I remember using one mod (the Horror mod) which had intentionally dark caverns that you had to use a special lantern in. Normal lights just didn't work in that cavern.


On the other hand, if you have an nvidia card, maybe it's some manifestation of the "nvidia fog bug" or "nvidia black screen bug". I vaguely recall that this happens when the fog settings for a room are set to 0, the nvidia card just gives a black screen. It happened to me in Tribunal's Dome of Serlyn, so I had to get the "Dome of Serlyn Fix" mod.


It's possible that a lighting mod may trigger the nvidia bug. There was one lighting mod I tried a while ago that did that, but I forget the name of it now. Maybe "Morrowind Relighted".

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