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Hot Swap Mannequins


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I have an Idea about setting up the Mannequins in Skyrim to do more than just be a glorified storage unit for apparel.


What is my Idea, well, it goes something like this. They will act like the Weapons rack, but remove and swap all apparel in one click. This will include jewelry, cloaks, and bags. Anything you have equipped will be put onto the mannequin, and everything that was on the mannequin originally will become your equipped apparel. The reason for wanting to do this, is if you are like me, you have several different complete sets of armor with accessories set up for different things to do in Skyrim. Like Dungeon crawling, smithing, enchanting, potion making, magic, one handed, two handed, long range weapons, and so on. This will take the pain and agony of changing your clothing away for those types of people.


This is for my current mod Hargathors Lab, and will also be a separate download, so others can use them in their own Player houses, or upgrades to vanilla player homes.


I have the general Idea and some minor scripting experience, but I think this will require a very knowledgeable coder to implement. So, if you would like to help, please PM me here and I will get back to you as fast as I can.





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