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OMOD / BAIN ?? :o

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Omod and BAIN are 2 file types used for mods. To install omod, you need oblivion mod manager (obmm) or oblivion mod manager extended (obmm extended). They are basic to install, put them in the obmm folder and double click them in the obmm menu. for BAIN, use a program called Wrye bash. Bains are a little more advanced to install, but offer some more customization compared to omod. Only install one of the 2 for a mod, not both if both are offered. Wrye bash also offers some other goodies, so you may want to learn how to use that.
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Well if a Mod is one of the 2 types, cant I simply put them into DATA folder ?


I already put all my mods into 'Data' but they dont show up in the launcher ....


then I made the tick at the Nexus Mod Manager and they worked, but now they're not visible in the Manager anymore despite the esp.s are in my Data folder : c


How do I get that mods working again ? GRRRRRR

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