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Main Quest bug, Wulfgar...


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Hello, I'm in need of a little help here. I'm on the main quest, during the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller section. I've retrieved the horn, slain the dragon at Kinesgrove with Delphine, and trekked back up to High Hrothgar. When I get inside the Greybeards aren't assembled like they used to be at this point, I talk to Arngeir and give the horn to him. He says stuff and tells me to follow him, and I get to the center and he words of power just pop up on the ground. Wulfgar isn't around to give me it, they just appear by themselves. I learn the word, but after that Arngeir says Wulfgar will teach me the meaning of the words, but he doesn't come. I find Wulfgar, and he just continues his daily routine. When I talk to him, he doesn't give me the meaning, and the rest of the Greybeards do the same, they just continue their daily routine. Arngeir just stands in the center of the room, continuesly telling me that Wulfgar will teach me the meaning of the words.


I've looked this up and have tried countless things, like the gate for example, and nothing works. My situation is a little different, because the words do appear, and I can absorb them, but Wulfgar doesn't come. I was wondering if there has been any fix or any new ideas for this situation. Thank you.

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Surely someone must have an idea? I'm desperate here. I'm not willing to give up this save, I've already invested many hours in it, and it has been my most enjoyable playthrough to date...
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