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Can't run New Vegas through Vortex


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Hey I been trying to play the new california mod, but i been told by the mod developers to download the 4gb patch. Okay i get that part i have it on vortex as a listed mod with one other vortex mod invalidation(no idea what it is) so I deleted it.

When i try to run New vegas through vortex i get application error code 5:0000065434. I assume it's the .exe for running fallout new vegas or at least that's what my internet browsing turns up, It's not listed anywhere so i assume its falloutNVlauncher. But still no clear idea why i cannot launch it if it's all there? I disable all mods for NV, still no change with error. On an unrelated note I learn a long time ago how to enable your computer to show stuff it hides from you like its hiding the .exe as falloutNVlauncher, how do I do that again?

I have uninstalled both vortex and new vegas and have change NV from different drives too see any changes. All it does is move where the NV folder is located. I have search the internet but all i get are posts about this issue some time back without a clear answer. I know vortex is working for my other games, like witcher 3, although with witcher 3 i just downloaded the mods directly into my mod folder for the game instead of vortex. I'm sure I could do the same with many NV mods but I thought it wouldn't be as hard as this and would have been easier if I wanted many more mods.

Any help is appreciated.

Edited by Ninj4turtl3
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Go back and read the install instructions for the 4GB Patch file again. You don't install it with a "mod manager". They all assume the mods they are installing go into the "Data" folder, but the 4GB Patch goes into the game root folder (where the EXE files are located). You have to manually install it. Be sure you are using the latest version.

The only time you run the "FalloutNVLauncher.exe" is the very first time you install the game, so it will detect your hardware and configure your "Fallout.INI" and "Fallout_prefs.INI" files in the "Users" folder. It will rebuilt those files every time your re-run the "Launcher", so you don't want to do that after the first time, especially if you customize them. All your subsequent launches should be using the "FalloutNV.exe" file, which is what gets patched by the 4GB Patcher.

Re: "application error code 5:0000065434", please see 'Issue: Application load Windows error(s)' of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


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Go back and read the install instructions for the 4GB Patch file again. You don't install it with a "mod manager". They all assume the mods they are installing go into the "Data" folder, but the 4GB Patch goes into the game root folder (where the EXE files are located). You have to manually install it. Be sure you are using the latest version.


The only time you run the "FalloutNVLauncher.exe" is the very first time you install the game, so it will detect your hardware and configure your "Fallout.INI" and "Fallout_prefs.INI" files in the "Users" folder. It will rebuilt those files every time your re-run the "Launcher", so you don't want to do that after the first time, especially if you customize them. All your subsequent launches should be using the "FalloutNV.exe" file, which is what gets patched by the 4GB Patcher.


Re: "application error code 5:0000065434", please see 'Issue: Application load Windows error(s)' of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.




I've looked at the wiki and nothing it says helps me.



  • Solution-1a: The "Steam Client" may be in "Offline" mode and minimized, but must remain running while launching the game, even with "nvse_launcher" or "fnv4gb".

Note that the "Steam Client" is what displays the "Library", "Store", etc. It is a separate piece of software from "the game" and performs the authentication that your copy of the game is legitimate.

  • Solution-1b: Sometimes all that is needed is to open the "Task Manager" (<Ctrl+Alt+Del> or right-click on the "Task Bar" | "Start Task Manager"), switch to the "Processes" tab, and right-click the "image name" Steam.exe task and select "End Process Tree". Then restart the game again.
  • Solution-1c: When this occurs with the "FalloutNVLauncher.exe" file after installing NVSE, some people have found that COPYing the "Steam.EXE" file (usually located in the "<install path>\Steam\" folder), into the game root folder (i.e. along with the NVSE.EXE file in "<install path>\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas"), resolves the problem.

1a is useless.

1b I have deleted anything steam related in my task manager and follow instructions and it doesn't fix it.

1c Might be it but I don't have NVscript extender even installed, so I don't see how its that. Do I need NVSE to even launch the game?


Still I continually get the same error code and the rest of the application load windows error(s) don't see to apply to me. I can play other gamers through vortex except New Vegas.

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That's a Steam error code. Make sure that Steam is running and that it recognizes FNV as installed.


I have steam running 24/7 and I have install and uninstalled New Vegas between both drives several times now, So I don't see how it can't recognize its been installed.


The vortex app under games, managed, shows two games to be managed. Fallout New Vegas and Witcher 3, but Witcher 3 has a (+) sign with a check mark saying activated meanwhile Fallout NV only has the (+) sign.


I have watched this guys tutorial completely. I guess I can use it for ANY other game. Would buying New Vegas on GOG fix the problem? Maybe it's just steam, I know for a fact the GOG version doesn't need the 4gb download apparently?


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Note that the "Steam Client" checks the game executable for "validity" before it will launch. (Probably a CRC check, but I don't know that.) The reason the 4GB Patch program was developed was to ensure that those Client checks would still work while adding the 4GB capability, and detecting and running NVSE if installed. Simply setting the LAA flag broke that check.


I recently encountered that same error message after a Client update and (despite never needing to do so previously with my game on a different drive than the Steam folder (which is NOT in "Program Files")) finally solved it by copying the latest "Steam.exe" (solution 1c) into the game folder replacing an earlier copy. That particular solution is not dependent upon NVSE; just as that error has nothing to do with anything other than the Client. And you may find that file needs to be copied again if that message occurs following a Client update. (We have no control over how Steam changes it's Client internally.)


The "5:" prefix appears to occur when starting the game from it's EXE (either the Launcher or the "FalloutNV.EXE"), but then it fails to locate the Client executable on disk even though it is already running and loaded into memory. Which seems to be confirmed as it disappears when the "SteamClient.exe" (and only that one file) is placed in the game folder. The "P:" prefix seems to show up when the Client is not running. Both instances produce the same "error code" message with only the prefix different.



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Ok so I actually in a related but different story, tried to launch NV through the NVlauncher in the NV folder and I would get a similar problem. So I copyed and pasted (and made a new fallout NV folder in the :C drive in the programsx86 Fallout NV icon, Fallout NV application, FalloutNVlauncher and steam_api.dll and I can click the launcher and launch the game through that now.


Now with the steam.exe, I don't actually have that. I have something very close to it, steam.exe OLD. Now I don't understand if this is the correct .exe that I have to copy into the fallout NV folder, it didn't change anything.


Now I didn't actually have any folder in there, since I put all my stuff on the bigger drive. Maybe I should have it on the smaller one where the program x86 is located?

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Simply "copy and paste" of the game from one location to another doesn't work to "move a game" because the game installation writes entries into the system registry that it (and other tools) use to locate files. When you properly "move" the game to another location you have to uninstall it from the current location, and then install it again from the online "Steam site" and give it the new location. You can install "Steam" (the Client and related files) to one location (such as "C:\Steam") and then (again from the Steam Client) install a specific game to a "SteamLibrary" on a different drive (such as "D:\SteamLibrary\<game>"), but things are simpler if you can keep them together on one drive because any given drive letter can only have one "Steam" or "SteamLibrary" install location. See the "Installing Game on Windows Vista+" article in my signature, which contains a link to Steam's own procedure for moving game locations.


Filenames (as opposed to "file paths") do not have spaces in their extensions (the part after the last period). Certainly not when installed normally, so if you have a file named "steam.exe_old" (note the underscore), something renamed it at some point. Windows treats a space as a "parameter separator". File paths with embedded spaces have to enclosed in quotation marks so Windows interprets them correctly. If there is no "Steam.exe" in the "\Steam" folder, then that is your problem and why it is not being found.


But it seems to me that you have now confused your installation sufficiently that you need to uninstall "Steam" completely, reboot (so it can clear out everything loaded in memory), delete any remaining related folders and flles (but not your "Users" game folders), and reinstall Steam to your larger drive BUT NOT into "C:\Program Files(x86)" nor "C:\Program Files". Install one game (doesn't have to be FNV) and test that you can get the vanilla game to start correctly. THEN worry about Vortex and mods.


Otherwise you have to go hacking around in the registry, and I can tell just from how you have been describing your problems that you don't want to do that.



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Ok i actually fixed it. Turns out my problem was I was storing it on a different drive I guess, I guess it didn't like the fact I was using my bigger :D drive to store my mods and the game. So uninstalled it and reinstalled it back into the :C drive which contains the programX86, I at first couldn't do anything as I was using hardlink deployment which requires me to have everything on the same drive. So I made an empty folder in NV folder located in the programX86 drive for mods and it then let me launch the game.


Everywhere I go it says it doesn't matter where it's located, people telling me they can get by find with it in different drives. Idk for some reason it didn't like that for me.




even though it wasn't a direct link to the solution, sometimes just thinking it over and using divide and conquer tactics can get you through anything.

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Simply "copy and paste" of the game from one location to another doesn't work to "move a game" because the game installation writes entries into the system registry that it (and other tools) use to locate files. When you properly "move" the game to another location you have to uninstall it from the current location, and then install it again from the online "Steam site" and give it the new location. You can install "Steam" (the Client and related files) to one location (such as "C:\Steam") and then (again from the Steam Client) install a specific game to a "SteamLibrary" on a different drive (such as "D:\SteamLibrary\<game>"), but things are simpler if you can keep them together on one drive because any given drive letter can only have one "Steam" or "SteamLibrary" install location. See the "Installing Game on Windows Vista+" article in my signature, which contains a link to Steam's own procedure for moving game locations.


Filenames (as opposed to "file paths") do not have spaces in their extensions (the part after the last period). Certainly not when installed normally, so if you have a file named "steam.exe_old" (note the underscore), something renamed it at some point. Windows treats a space as a "parameter separator". File paths with embedded spaces have to enclosed in quotation marks so Windows interprets them correctly. If there is no "Steam.exe" in the "\Steam" folder, then that is your problem and why it is not being found.


But it seems to me that you have now confused your installation sufficiently that you need to uninstall "Steam" completely, reboot (so it can clear out everything loaded in memory), delete any remaining related folders and flles (but not your "Users" game folders), and reinstall Steam to your larger drive BUT NOT into "C:\Program Files(x86)" nor "C:\Program Files". Install one game (doesn't have to be FNV) and test that you can get the vanilla game to start correctly. THEN worry about Vortex and mods.


Otherwise you have to go hacking around in the registry, and I can tell just from how you have been describing your problems that you don't want to do that.




Yeah I was worried I changed a bit to much in my system that steam is now broken. But it seems unlikely if I can work other games. So I just started to delete every NV related and reinstall it on a different drive. Now it actually took it no problem and I can began with the 4gb download and onto NEW CALIFORNIA mod itself. :laugh:



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