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Affordable Health Care is passed.


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I agree that there will probably be some more battles to come. And depending on the next occupant of the White House, there have already been suggestions of possible attempts to override this decision. In my opinion, however, it was a necessary decision under the circumstances. It may not be the best health care bill, but at least it is a health care bill.
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The Court only stated its decision on the constitutionality of the bill...not if the bill was good or not. So no it ain't over til the rubenesque diabetic lady goes into a diabetic coma and needs treatment.


Kinda a joke since I am she. Har.

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Well, that isn't what I expected.......


So, it seems the government can now legally force folks to buy a commercial product. Nice..... I wonder what's next.... Everyone has to buy a car, so the auto industry well do better? Everyone has to buy a house, so the housing market will recover?? Everyone has to buy oranges, so they will lead a healthier lifestyle?


I disagree with some of the articles contentions as well. It doesn't mean 30 million people will now get insurance, or that anyone will be able to get better insurance...... When is the last time anyone saw their health insurance rates go down? Easier yet, when was the first time? My guess is, it has never happened. Certainly not for me. There is also the argument of which is cheaper, paying for the insurance, if you make too much to get a government program, or, the fine that the IRS will levy if you don't have insurance.......


No, the fight is far from over. This is only round one.

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Smell that coffee folks. Insurance companies have it on lock no matter what happens now.


Bang on G. Ask yourselves this people , unlike the original fight over universal healthcare in which the insurance companies poured tens of millions into defeating the public option , who was it that brought this before the Supreme Court , would it be those same insurance companies , that would be a big no , it was a private citizens group that's fighting a battle that is over and are simply too stupid to realize the have been bamboozled , wool pulled over their eyes and slapped up side the head by the very insurance companies they thought they were defending in the name of free market capitalism .Think about it your required to buy health insurance from private corporations and if you don't the Gov't comes after you , that's the very definition of Fascism and they were all so worried it was gonna be too socialists . Wow talk about irony.


So no its not going to be a political issue in any campaign because the money interests have got what they wanted and if any citizens group tries to make it one they will be ignored and pushed aside by those same money interests.

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Healthcare isn't more affordable, its become more expensive. My employer ended up having to cut our healthcare back because of the extreme taxes that were placed on the plan we had. We used to have what the government classifies as a "Cadillac Insurance policy" even though I made a middle class income. So basically the company I worked for got taxed extra because our health insurance was too good? I now have a larger copay and also higher rates for prescriptions. And our cancer insurance was completely cut, and we have to pay extra for that now. Not to mention, men and women with families now have to pay extra to add their kids, whereas they used to provide full care for free for the entire family, including cancer insurance on each member of the family, dental, vision. Dental and vision are now extra.


People are absolutely nuts if they think this healthcare law is going to lead to more affordable health insurance. They think just by adding a $95 tax for people who don't have it that they are going to encourage people that are young and healthy who can't afford or don't need it to pay hundreds a year for health insurance? Completely nuts.


Also the unfunded mandate was shot down, basically the Federal government cannot penalize the states that choose to opt out of this. And I'd say better than half the states in the nation are going to choose to opt out which means the only thing the people in those states will notice is higher premiums and a $95 tax by the federal government for people who are uninsured.


And I wonder what would happen if 500.000+ uninsured people signed a petition saying, "I'm not paying your $95 tax, you can send me to jail"?


And I agree its the insurance companies who are going to make out of this deal, and I believe it was planned that way from the start. Its too bad that many people aren't intelligent enough to see past all the smoke and mirrors to the very core of this. The politicians think the American people are stupid, and I'd have to agree with them.


Aren't people tired of getting kicked around by their government?

Edited by Beriallord
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OBAMACARE is 100% pure pork, designed only to line the insurance companies' pockets. We were duped! What we all NEED is a bill that makes the insurance companies FALL BACK INTO LINE. Something that...
  • FORCES insurance companies to limit their profits.
  • PENALIZES insurers and pharmaceutical companies that engage in monopolistic behavior.
  • FORBIDS insurance companies from dropping customers once they get sick.
  • FORBIDS insurance companies from denying coverage to people with disabilities or preexisting conditions.
  • REMOVES all lifetime limits.
  • LIMITS insurers' ability to hike rates.
  • ADDS ACCOUNTABILITY to insurance billing – no more "administrative fee" BS!
  • ADDS ACCOUNTABILITY to insurers claim-dropping process so you can appeal if turned down.
  • MODIFIES doctors' pay to reward healthy outcomes.
  • EXPANDS Medicare.
  • APPROVES more generic drugs.
  • FORCES employers to offer insurance to all full-time employees.


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Does anyone thing the fight is over, just because The Supreme court has made their rulling?



Obama appointed his cronies in the Supreme court such as Sonia Sotomayor. A woman who is a Member of LA RAZA. They hate the United States and wanna destroy them. What do you think they would say about such laws?


Also, public healthcare is not mentioned in Section 8 of the Constitution and so its ILLEGAL. But they don't care, because THEY ARE CRIMINALS. And TRAITORS.


Americans buy around 5 million guns each month. When comes the secound american revolution? You wanna continuing this?? A Member of an Organisation which wanna destroy the USA rules about that an unamerican socialist law is conform with the constituiton. What comes next?




"Big Insurance companies" wrote the public healthcare law you poor fool.

Edited by Moveing
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