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SKSE Blues


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I really can't sympathize I have to say. Installing SKSE is easier than installing most mods. I also can't really sympathize with people who have problems running the NMM. When running mods you are modifying the game your are playing. You are literally changing aspects of it. I feel there should be some understanding of at least how the game uses mods, and how they work. I don't use the NMM. I am old school in that I want to be in control of what files get placed where. And yes I have been modding for all sorts of games for nearly a decade now but you don't need to understand computers or computer programing to understand how to install SKSE or mods. All you need to be able to do is follow a simple readme that tells you exactly what to do.


At a certain point I have to say that if you can't or wont do something so incredibly simple, it is not modders' responsibility to change things. It becomes your responsibility to learn or accept not doing some things. There are many examples of mods that do not have good install instructions or take some bit of knowledge for granted as common which isn't. But there is only so far modders can go. At a certain point they need to be met by mod players.

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