LE Reevaluate the value of gold/money/septim in game.
3 members have voted
1. Do you want change the gold system in Skyrim?
Yes, make it harder and more realistic.
Yes, make it easier to get gold and cheaper stuff, i'm too lazy to go gold farming.
No, it's fine the way they are now.0
Whatever, i dont care.0
2. Do you do repeatable quest in Skyrim.
Yes,sometimes, just for fun.0
No, they'r useless.
Quests? what quest?0
3. Do you want to make the quests worth doing?
Yes please, the current quests system is almost useless.
No, I do it if I want, I dont want to have to do it.0
Quests?. KILL, that's my quest. THE END.0
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