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Hello, whoever might be reading this! Names Leoswim; I've been lurking on this site for a good while now, but have finally decided to look into making mods for Skyrim, a game that this here Nexus community has made impossible for me to put away for good.


I've known about this here mod for a butterfly/fairy follower for a long time now, but stopped using it a long time ago. This was mainly due to discovering that the butterfly form didn't work the way I'd hoped it would; it was awful at stealth, still had pretty large collision, and was just an overall worse option gameplay wise than just having her in human form all the time. I thought the mod had a cool idea, but that's about where I had to leave it.


I'd imagine there are plenty of tutorials nowadays on how to make a good looking, functioning follower mod. What I'm unsure how one might pursue, is how to make a follower who can be asked to turn into a "fairy form" or something similar, an intangible entity that follows your character similar to the candlelight spell. Perhaps it would follow close behind you but you can speak to it if you turn in place to face it, or perhaps you'd have a lesser power which lets you speak to the follower in either form. Maybe it could even confer "blessings" on the character whilst following in this form, to make up for being a non-participant in combat. For the "fairy" model, any of the butterflies or luna moth could work. I've also seen a few fairy models around the nexus that'd be very cool, like Navi here and this one that I see in a lot of videos.


My questions I suppose would be:
*Does a mod like this already exist, and I just don't know it? If so, I'd love to hear about it!

*If someone with some modding experience would like to give me some direction in what I'd need to know to work on something like this, as well as to tell me if my idea is realistic or not, I'd highly appreciate it!


I hope to make creating this follower a sort of first milestone for making mods personally. That said, if someone is inspired by this idea and wants to go for it themselves, that's great! I'd love to hear about it. I think I'd still intend to try and make this myself as my personal milestone, but it might get out faster if it wasn't left to a complete noob. :tongue:


Thanks for reading this, and for any support with my request!


P.S. This is also my first time posting in the forums to my memory, so if I wound up posting this in the wrong place or goofing somehow, my bad folks. Please let me know if such is the case. Thanks again!

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