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How to make a custom spell advance skill levels?


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How do you make custom spells level up the skill they're under? I've been baffled with this. I understood for example that destruction spells gain experience based on the damage they do - but a custom drain health spell I've been using doesn't seem to want to give any experience upon use.
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Magic Effect Wiki page


what you're looking for are the "Magic Skill" and "Skill Usage Mult"

Magic Skill determines what skill will get exp when the spell is cast

Skill Usage Mult determines how much exp the specified skill receives


Thanks - I thought that was the case, but with drain blood type spells it just refused to work. I can only think that it's somehow counting the player character's healing against the damage done to the enemy for a net 0 damage to be then applied to the skill usage mult.


I got around this by adding an additional magical effect to the spells that does a tiny amount of damage, but with a high skill usage mult. Just means my drain blood spells dish out a little more than they net back to my character but it works like a charm.

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