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Sky Haven Temple and Alduin's Wall quest bug


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Last night well playing skyrim and doing the quest Sky Haven Temple and Alduin's Wall, Esbern got stuck under a wooden bridge while fighting with Forsworn, and he managed to get unstuck and moved up to the top of the wooden bridge, but then just stood there and would only uses his hands and repeat the same two lines, I went back to him several times and he even told me about the blood seal and a dragon borns blood was needed to open the statue face door, and I opened it, but Esbern was still standing on top of the wooden bridge!..


My solution was too!..


Go else where and wait 4 in game days and go back but he was still stuck, so I did this, I opened up console and typed disable and then enable and made sure my cross hairs where on Esbern and a id number for him showed, and when disabling him he disappeared and then typing enable he reappeared, but he still wouldn't move, so I went out the front entrance of Sky Haven Temple and then the back and when I went back to where Esbern was he finally started to move towards where Delphine was the wall that explained the dragon shout and then I was able to finish the quest!..


I heard of the Esbern A Cornered Rat bug where he get's stuck too, but this was the next quest after it!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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