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Laggy horses =/


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^ As the title implies, whenever I use a horse or see a horse walking the framerate drops, well I'm not sure if it's the framerate but the image keeps freezing every sec, if I look to another place it runs normally and if I turn back to look at the horse doing the animation it slows down again. =(


Also, this game runs great except at the battles, any recommendations I can use so that it runs well on battles not just walking, running, exploring, etc?


I can post my PC specs if you guys want. And, I've installed a few mods, but none that interfere with horses or anything.


Help much appreciated, and I'm proud to be at these forums. :closedeyes:

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Sounds like your machine is too slow for Oblivion... I had the issue with all horses too, but on my sloooow AMD 1800 I was running when Oblivion came out. So maybe your specs would be helpful? ^^"
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