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To be captured


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I think it would be neat if there were random bandit camps around, and also bandits that wandered around that were more like slave drivers where they could capture you. They would tie you up and escort you to their camp and put you in a cage for you to escape. I think it would be different from prisons and kind of neat... Maybe have some clothes added as well. Something that would also be kind of neat is if lets say while you were in there you were let out every once and a while to do jobs inside the camp and then sent back in the cage (Those would be decent times to escape).


Also maybe after doing a quest chain or something you could capture people wandering around and put them in there, I know this would be a lot of work but I think it would be neat instead of you just being robbed.


I would be able to go into more detail if I have interested anyone some people make think this will be boring probably but I think it would add something different to the game, it could happen rarely for all I care.

Edited by Shayde1234
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