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Do disabled mods count towards the "mod limit" if the esp files are in your data folder?


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Do disabled mods count towards the "mod limit" if the esp files are in your data folder?


Also If for personal use only is there a limit to how many mods can be "combined" and would there be anyway to kind of make a new mod and just take bits and pieces from a bunch of other mods and put it together?

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Disabled mods don't count.


Yes there is. The safest mods to combine into a single ESP are esp files that don't have a single 'original' entry in it. These are usually patch mods, ones where all the data in it are drawn from other mods. You can simply copy everything from these type of mods and paste them into a single, greater merged ESP.


If you are proficient at rebuilding/cloning new entry data and assigning them to their proper references, using F04Edit, then you can merge any mod into a single giant ESP, I assume. I have merged a couple mods I have that were semi related in function, but I haven't done it for every mod in my load order since it's too much work, and mod updating will be a hassle.

Edited by jdrfox
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That's certainly useful info to have handy.


Another thing, if you are working on FO4Edit, what I noticed is, if you copy through 'override' a piece of referenced entry from a single esp to your merged esp, and that piece of referenced entry already exist in the merged esp, the one from the single esp will not overwrite the one that exists in the merged esp. So if you're going to start merging patches, for example, the first ones you copy/paste will be the ones that will stick. You will need to manually find and delete entries you wish to overwrite in your merged esp.

Edited by jdrfox
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