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Illusion/alteration spells that work on high level NPCs?


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I found it really weird that the master level illusion/alteration spells in the game only work on NPCs below level 25. I mean by the time you get these spells, you're gonna be at least level 50 or something, and most NPCs you encounter (town guards, monsters, bandits, etc) will be at your level, renderng these spells completely useless. It was the same way in Oblivion. Is there any way to make these spells work on ALL NPCs? What if I use "player.setlevel 1", would that reset NPCs in the game back to level 1 and when would it reset?
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Illusion spells work on NPCs past level 60 once you fill out the perk tree. Higher than that for Draugr, if you take the Necromage perk in Restoration.


What Alteration spells do you mean? Paralyze/Mass Paralyze are the only ones that affect anyone but yourself and they don't have a level limit. They work on everything other than Dwemer robots, dragons and mammoths.

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