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Can't fix Paratus Decimius :\


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Hey guys, I'm having a problem with "Revealing the Unseen" mission. I just met Paratus Decimius, who (fortunately) opens the door. I said fortunately because I'm really having a lot of problems and bugs to deal with in this mission, and my patience is really running out... :wallbash: Now, he talks to me and finally asks "Where is Gavros?", then he suddenly stops talking and stucks in a state of alert with a fire spell ready to be cast. As I talk to him, he would answer "Yes?" "You want something from me?" and other things that don't help me for sure, lol. I added the focusing crystal with a console command 'cause I was not able to find it looting the Falmers' corpses. I guess the problem is about "fixing" the quest, that is actually stuck at "Search for Synod researches". Is there something I can do to fix Paratus Decimius and make him guide me inside the room in which I am supposed to place the crystal into the Oculory?


PS: Please tell me if you don't understand something. I'm not a native English speaker, so there may be some errors in my explanation :rolleyes:


Thank you.

Edited by KeiraIceblade
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@KeiraIceblade, ohh noo not another person stuck on this quest again lol.

try not to loose patience, this is one of the more difficult and buggy skyrim quests.


i have a feeling Paratus Decimius seems to be unresponsive and the quest doesn't seem to have progressed even though

you've obtained the focusing crystal using a console command, is that actually finding the focusing crystal by searching the dead falmer bodies

triggers the quest script to advance.


there is a known issue finding the focusing crystal, you'll need to carefully and thoroughly search EACH falmer body; especially, the

bodies located in the large multi-leveled room that can be accessed through either of two open doorways.

this is the room where 4 falmer were prowling, one of these should have been carrying the focusing crystal.

many people miss finding the crystal because the bodies are sometimes stacked on top of each other and difficult to select.

this is unlikely; but, if you used destruction spells that blast things apart, the focusing crystal might have been blown clear of

the falmer carrying it and might have landed on the floor/elsewhere somewhere.

(i have not heard this happening in this particular quest but some others).


here is a link to the uesp site which documents what they know (spoilers) about the quest:



as a last resort you might be able to brute force the quest to the next stage by using setstage console commands.

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lol argh yeah i guess, it's confusing and i'm hesitant to suggest anything because this quest is kinda complicated and

because you said your journal is stuck at stage 25 'Search for Synod researchers' and seem to be somewhere between

stage 30 Reach the Oculory followed by stage 32 Find the Focusing Crystal.. anyway, i'm not sure what to tell you.


i know you got the 'Mzluft Key' from Gavros; but, did you obtain and READ the 'Research Log' he has?

not doing this might make the quest script get hung up; and, i suspect if you haven't done this then you might need to

go all the way back to the Mzulft entrance foyer area, hopefully Gavro's body is still there,

find and read the research log.


i hate to say this but it might be best if you consider loading an earlier gamesave, take it slow and go thru this quest

step by step roughly following the uesp walkthrough..




by the way, as a courtesy to members, be careful revealing too much (spoilers) about this quest since we're in the general discussion forum.

fyi, in the future please note there is a special forum setup to discuss this sort of thing here:


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see my previous posting (you posted while i was editing..) regarding the 'research log'.

one of the falmer has or had the focusing crystal, you just need to find it lol.


if you do not want to load an earlier savegame and repeat this Mzluft quest,

i believe you are at stage 25 'Search for Synod researchers', the next stage is 30 'Reach the Oculory'; so, the

console command would be:

setstage MG06 30

just be sure you make a gamesave before using this to protect yourself.

all the Quest Stages are listed at the bottom of that UESP page i keep referring you to.

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Oh yes you're right: wrong section :confused: I'm really sorry... I'll put in the spoiler anything else I'm writing about this topic.



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OK I'll try...


Aaaaall right, it works.

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Thank you a lot for your timely responses and sorry for the spoilers :confused:

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you suk lol. i think a lot of gamers encounter issues with this quest and do not get to meet Gavros Plinius inside the entrance of Mzluft.

there is a thread back in April where we tried a lot of things to get this quest to finally work if you want to look here:



i suspect there are issues if you do not successfully complete all prerequisite dialog tree selections with Mirabelle (which can be tricky) which

causes Gavros Plinius not to be spawned at Mzluft; in addition to maybe, Gavros is not set as essential and dying before you start this quest lol.


because this is an interesting quest, i'd recommend loading an earlier gamesave (before talking to Mirabelle) and

playing the whole thing over again following a walkthrough guide.


did you successfully complete the previous quest 'Good Intentions'?

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