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Helmet Visual bug?


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I'm having this weird issue, where whenever I equip a helmet that has night vision or recon senor I get a weird visual where it gives me a texture error of sorts. It's literally a big block of purple that block half the screen however it's only when I'm in first person or on my pipboy. It's removed whenever I remove the helmet or head gear causing the problem.


* wasn't able to show a full image but this is the best I can show

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"whenever I equip a helmet that has night vision or recon sensor-" There's your problem. Try to scroll through the mods that affect the UI and mainly those night vision/recon sensor mods and try to reinstall them / see the mod pages for any conflict issues that those mods might have with each other (maybe there's a patch you have missed?). After what this started to happen? After what mod install? Or if the case is that you dumped all of the mods at the same time, do it next time the proper way...


Wrong load order? If I'm not wrong, the purple color usually indicates "missing" textures... I don't have enough technical knowledge about this, but maybe you can deduce the problem from the things I stated.

Edited by lavarob
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