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Yellow lines


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On the construction set the button that adds that web of lines is a confusion for me what do they do!! what are they for?? Why can't I make my own?


Is it something to do with n.p.c paths because I thought they were handled by those

sleep packages and stuff. But its worthwhile to note that I haven't succsesfully created any moving n.p.c. All of my n.p.c's stay completely still.


Will I have to learn about these yellow line things to succsesfully get my n.p.c's to move and get my monsters patrol my shack.


Thanks for your (hopefully) future help.

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What you're looking at is, indeed, a path-grid. Actors won't move around unless they're moving directly to something without them, in which case they'll move in a straight line, which can be very bad for certain areas. Information on how to create and manipulate the path-nodes and connections can be found here.


However, more than that is required for an Actor to move. How and when they decide to move are determined by their AI Packages. An Actor with no AI Packages will only really move if in combat, or maybe starting conversation. Sleep packages are a particular variety of AI Packages, which make an Actor find a bed (within the specified area) and sleep in it until the package ends or they're interrupted. For a general idea of how they work, open up any (well, almost any) Actor or NPC and click the AI button. The numbers at the top determine certain facets of behavior, (If Aggression is greater than the actor's disposition towards a certain being, they'll attack on sight, if their percentage of health lost is greater than or equal to Confidence they'll flee fights, Responsibility determines their behavior when faced with crime, and Energy Level determines how much they move around when subject to a Wander package or such) and the stuff in the middle is self-explanatory.


The AI Package list at the bottom is what governs most of an Actor's "idle" behavior. Most AI Packages will have a scheduled time/duration and/or conditions. If the conditions are met, it's the scheduled time (In-between Time and Duration, and if a date is set, that as well) and the conditions are met, the AI Package is a viable choice. Of all the AI Packages that have their conditions/schedule met, whichever one is highest on the Actor's list will run. If you wanted your Actors to patrol a shack, and placed them in/around said shack, you could get them to wander around it by giving them a Wander AI Package. Open up Character/Packages, and a list should appear. The packages with the AAA prefix are designed as sort of "One size fits all" packages when specific actions aren't needed. In this case, the AI Package "aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc768" will cause an Actor subject to it to wander around within 768 units of where he was placed in the CS. To add it to your Actor, open up their AI window and click/drag the AI Package from the Packages window to the Actor's AI Package List.

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Thank you That was very thorought reply and I will set this knowledge to work immeadiately.






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