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Mods Causes Skyrim to shut down


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It shuts down as soon as you hit continue, before the loading screen, or during the loading screen?


A list of your mods would help, or if there are too many to list, at least list what types they are (texture/graphic, mechanic, etc). That will help us find any compatibility issues, which are the most common reasons for crashes I think.

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Your problem is usually caused by a missing master. If this is the case, one of your mods requires another file to be loaded before it, but it isn't installed or is in the load order after this mod.
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you need to do a lot of reading about how to properly download and set the load order of mods. if someone answers this one question perfectly you'll run into a problem later and ask another question and you can save yourself time by just reading up on the basics. 15 mins of reading and you'll know enough to be dangerous
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