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Renaming Items in Enchanting


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To me, renaming items is half the point of enchanting. It's nice that my sword now does fire damage but that's really mostly a bonus to being able to give it an individual name. I've also been meaning to test if the renaming mod items trick works the same in Skyrim as it did in Oblivion. (In Oblivion, enchanting and renaming an item from a mod let you keep the item even if the mod was disabled.)


It's just that the damn rename function in Skyrim almost never works. I get as far as typing the name is, but pushing enter to confirm it does nothing. I sit there pressing enter over and over but nothing happens.


Except for the rare occasions when pressing enter does inexplicably work, for no apparent reason. And somehow that just makes it more frustrating when it doesn't work. :wallbash:


Does anyone else have this problem? More importantly, does anyone know a way to fix it?

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@Relativelybest, i'm not sure about this; but, if you try to use fancy non ASCII characters in

the new name it is probably not allowing you to press <enter> to exit the renaming popup.

There is also a known bug that will remove the game's ability to recognize keystrokes from your keyboard when

renaming an item you intend to enchant.

It appears to occur when using the mouse during the process,

so try to use only the <arrow keys> and <enter key> while renaming your items.

Edited by xlcr
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@Relativelybest, i'm not sure about this; but, if you try to use fancy non ASCII characters in

the new name it is probably not allowing you to press <enter> to exit the renaming popup.


Doubt that's it, I pretty much just using regular letters. I don't even know how I'd go about to write non ASCII.


There is also a known bug that will remove the game's ability to recognize keystrokes from your keyboard when

renaming an item you intend to enchant.

It appears to occur when using the mouse during the process,


...You're telling me my computer mouse may be breaking the user interface on my computer game? o_O


Goddammit, Bethesda! :wallbash:


so try to use only the <arrow keys> and <enter key> while renaming your items.


Right, I'll try that. Thanks.


Don't you have to press "R" to confirm or am I thinking of something else


Nah, then you wouldn't be able to write names with Rs in them. R is to confirm the enchantement itself, enter is to confirm the name.

Edited by Relativelybest
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