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The Feed System


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Personally I don't like the look of the new design, it reminds me of a windows 95 HTML website, just the new news feeds though. I don't like how the Avaters of the poster along with some text is really high up and above the pictures of the featured content, the layout needs fixing, maybe having the Avater on the our side and mid way in, the featured content, its hard to explain.


Anyway I don't think my opinion will change anything but a least you could do is "fix" it up like this.




Oh and between Tracked Flies and Friend Activity is a doted line, it makes the tab look weird and is a bit sloppy, it should be removed. I personally don't like the doted line, I think a solid line would look better.


Also I think having the File News tab first would be less of a blow to those who see the new changes for the 1st time. Maybe look at changing the tab orders.

Edited by Zalpha
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As a mod author, I love the new design. It gives me all the info I need immediately without having to bookmark "manage my files" and have to scroll through each one of them to see the date of the last comment. It is -so- easy for someone with bugs or trouble with one of my mods to get lost in the chaos - this helps a ton. I like the design of the latest files in that feed format too, because with just the pictures earlier I had no idea what they did and I'd always have to just click to go into latest files to see them. I love having the latest images there so it's easy to just click right to them for a quick glance rather than having to make a new tab to check them out, load everything, this makes seeing everything I want to see so much faster.


The only things I would change if I could would be to move the hot files just above the feed where they were, because my eye doesn't naturally flow to where they are now if I see something cool on the slideshow - not a huge deal though, just something I noticed. It's not a lot of effort to look through them again. The second thing I would add if I could would be filtering options for the file news - I don't need it at the moment, but I think there will eventually be ones I really want to keep an eye on that I'd like to have higher priority and some that I really won't want popping up around the top page that I could give lower priority to - specifically for my view - and probably by Mod Author, where I could assign them priorities depending on the type of work they do - not good or bad, but like quest enhancements/gameplay vs. visual enhancements - since I do quest modding, I like to see what people are working on, what's new on the quest side - visuals/ui I don't do a lot with, so I'm not as interested in what is going on with those.

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I also thought the site was broken the first time the Your Feeds appeared, as all of the usual content had been squashed over on the right and needed scrolling to view. This Your Feeds does not belong on the front page, it belongs in a Your Feeds tab to be accessed by those who like it, and avoided by those who do not.


If it must remain, then it would be better suited below the usual content. It would also be very sensible to make full use of available width if big things like this are going to be placed on the front page, getting rid of the wasteful sidebars and allowing the actual content to fill the screen at any resolution.

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Latest Images and Latest Files have their own tab in the Feeds section. Why can't hottest files have its own tab too? As a long time user of the Nexus, I generally trust the rest of the community to point me to whats good or not. So the hottest files section is the only part really relevant to me. I want it front and center. The new layout isn't so bad I can get used to it, but it certainly needs more customization options.
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