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Epic Halo mod


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I'm not good at mod's in fact Ive never even tried to make one but I just had the best idea ever!!!!


Imagine a skyrim full of your favorite halo characters.


All giants become hunters

Wolves and other small enemies become grunts or jackals

bandits become unsc rebels

draugr become brutes


Bows become guns

swords become Biatch sticks (What I call energy swords)

and grav hammers


The imperial legion turns into the unsc:


All Imperial soldiers become marines

General tullius (or however you spell it) becomes lord hood

Legate ricke becomes Miranda keyes

hadvar becomes Sgt Johnson

all guards become odst

when you join you get spartan armor

You get a new follower that is cortana


Storm cloak rebellion turns into the covenant:


Ulfric becomes prophet of truth

Storm cloak soldiers become elites

ulfrics bodyguard becomes tartarus the brute

when you join you get arbiter armor


If i was more experienced I would make this right now but I'm too much of a n00b :(


If anyone with experience could make this that would be awesome!!! I just thought I would share this idea in hopes that someone with enough skill might read this and decide to try to make it :)

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