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Wondering about armors.


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Hey, I am playing with SkyRe and ASIS, but I find it really dull to wear the same studded leather armor I enchant over and over, again and again, as if it's the only light armor in the game so far. Seems like it is.


I have no intention of putting a single point into smithing, so I wonder...


Is there a mod that actually allows you to buy armors they add? All the mods I've seen so far allow you to craft them or add via console. Meh..


So, the question: any armor packs that add them to vendors or available as loot? Cheers. (The more, the merrier.)

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You tend to find the armor sets in shops and on npcs as you level up.


There are a few mods that do away with levelled lists and place them in static locations for you to find though.

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