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CTD - No mods, new install


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Right, so I purchased Skyrim the day It came out for PC. You know, we have all had the same problems, crashes to desktop, all that goodness. Largely due to incompatible mods for me. Well. This will be the third time I have reinstalled Skyrim due to deciding I wanted to wipe my modlist. However, something curious is happening now. I have no mods or anything installed. I still crash to desktop. No warnings, nothing. There has been no change to my PC. All my drivers are up to date, everything Is fine. Except Skyrim. It just continues to crash. I have tried lowering graphical settings, crash. I have tried many different fixes. Then reinstalled again just to be clear the fixes are not causing issues.


I have no clue what this is. Skyrim has been fine until the past month or so? I cannot recall if there has been a new patch. But this is ridiculous. My PC has always run Skyrim on vanilla fine, and now it just crashes with no warning. Does anyone have any idea what this is? Anyone experiencing similar issues? I run Skyrim out of steam, by the way, no, no mods installed via Steam workship, or Nexus Mod Manager.

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Please post your specs - particularly your video/audio cards and drivers. You indicated that nothing had changed on the PC but did that include system and driver upgrades? A few of us have been experiencing issues since the latest AMD 12.6 release so you may be encountering that.
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Please post your specs - particularly your video/audio cards and drivers. You indicated that nothing had changed on the PC but did that include system and driver upgrades? A few of us have been experiencing issues since the latest AMD 12.6 release so you may be encountering that.

Gfx card is an AMD radeon 6700 HD.. audio. Unsure what is what and where here... AMD High Def Audio device. Hauppauge WinTV TBR-1250 Model 79xxx. Hybrid ATSC/QAM. RealTek High Definition Audio.


No driver has been updated recently I think..

Edited by Triggerhappy1313
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I have the same problem 3 months ago and as I have been in military I haven't had the time nor the interest to find a fix to this problem. Of course I have done the usual tricks (disabling mods, clean installs, removing INI. files etc.) but with no avail. Yesterday I started to search and fix this problem completely. I removed all the mods and everything else than Bethesda made files from data folder and got the NMM and installed the mods I wanted with it thinking that it would fix the problem but it had no effect (or so I thought). At first the I couldn't get farther than the Bethesda logo when I started the game, but after I eliminated mods 1 at a time I found a mod that caused the problem and thus I rejoiced but too early. When I loaded up and save game or started a new game it took around 3-5 mins to loading screen to fade off and then CTD with no error messages or anything. After this I started to eliminate mods 1 at a time again and in the end ran the game with no mods active at all and still CTD after loading screen fades. Then I deleted ini. files and removed all of my save games and tried again and now I could start a new game and got to the point where the opening credits say "Skyrim" and then again CTD...


1. I have changed my sound settings to 16b 44100 Hz and 24b 44100 Hz with no effect

2. I have removed ini. files and such with no effect

3. I have updated my drivers with no effect

4. No mods are currently active so I think the problem isn't mod related

5. I have tried to run the game as administrator and in different kinds of compatibility modes with no effect

6. Disabled AA and FXAA and forced them from AMD control suite with no effect

7. I see no reason to do another (6 done during these 3 months) clean install as the last one was done 3 weeks ago and nothing has changed from that (didn't help then either).


I am starting to get so frustrated with this problem that I am starting to consider making the Skyrim CD a sand art :mad: :mad: :mad:


Oh and my computer specs are below:


Processor:Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

Memory:6144MB RAM DDR2

Hard Drive:3,8TB (3 1TB external HDDs and one contains Steam and the Skyrim ofc)

Video Card:ATI Radeon HD 7900 Series

Sound Card:Realtek HDMI Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) (Integrated to motherboard)

Operation System:Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr_staging.090720-1852) (Kernel patched to support more than 3 GB of RAM)

Motherboard:ASUS P5QL Pro


P.S. Hopefully I can find a fix to this soon...

Edited by Jellona
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