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Legend Of The Dragon Riders


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Hey Guys,


I am starting this thread for the continuation of the Dragon Riders of skyrim mod, and mod thread formerly started by Tomhudges. I'm planning on working in collaboration with Budz, Hopefully to make our 2 mods compatible. Here are the main things i would like to do with this mod;



- OF COURSE the most important part of the mod, being able to ride a dragon, with some sort of Aerial combat and ground to air combat or vise versa.

- main quest( consisting of 3-5 acts)

- side quests

- recruitment

- citizen quests( where you can help out citizens having any sort of issue).

- discovery side quests

- dragon eggs search( where you search for new dragon eggs for possible recruits or companion/s)

- new shouts consisting of new effects, spells, etc

- strategic missions and mission running( there will be some missions where the enemies are more aware and will react faster with more lethalty)

- new types of enemies and bosses

- new unique weapons and armor for the guild and to find in the dungeons

- NEW!! player home with( Armory, crafting room, enchantment lab, Dragons Coop, bathrooms, kitchens, a personal chief, guards, and more...)

- NEW dragon creation menu( will appear before the main quest starts, only ONCE per character, includes full customization)

- another thing that goes with the creation is a matching dragon egg for when it hatches

- CUT SCENES throughout the quest, ( custom made animations ).

- UNIQUE WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION ( will be able to create a unique weapon that is special to your tastes )


more to come when it becomes available...


I also would like to put together a team of people to work on this mod with me, if your interested in this mod or your interested in working on this mod feel free to leave a post in this thread, because i know quite a few people from the other thread really want this mod.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Monstaflux, you remember me? ^^


I will help you for your history, and this by keeping the logic of Elder Scrolls


The first thing I must warn you (maybe that is not been clear with the others), dragons in Elder Scrolls don't have egg... they are born in the time, creation of the mighty Akatosh.


No egg can be found... but that doesn't mean it's impossible to have dragon riders! If you read my post in the other forum, dragons respect the strong... so you send your recruit to prove his strength to a dragon. When he will found, he will challenge him to a fight. If he beat it, the dragon admit his strength and join him. Other else, your recruit is dead, and the dragon leave... (or attack you, depending of the situation).


So, that's better?

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Hey there guys, You may or may not recall me from the release of The Dark Tower...

Is there someone working concretly on this, is there any scripter involved ?


We already have all animation... *i can be wrong... why don't we start with a damm dragon mount an than make a monstruous quest(s) for this...

You see guy's i'll be the first to download and endorse, and even help with this...


I havnt read all other thread, so i'm not aware of what's going on, but what i just read here seem like the basic idea of having a damm dragon mount became some sort of monstruous quest(s) mod... Can we first get the basic, and then improve it !

My opinion only guys !


Sincere respect to this project


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yeah im currently working on this mod i took it upon myself to revive this mod and im working on getting a team together for this mod so it would be awesome and id love to have you on the team as a scripter. im going to talk to darkanen to get some lore ideas, your welcome to join the convo.


My Skype: monstaflux


feel free to add me, and dark when you see this postadd me so we can chat!

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Wooo, first of all, without any disrespect here, What is your knowledge with CK ?

Btw, i'm no scripter, just a guy who knows how to handle things when i need it !


my skype id is my name here on nexus... figure it out !



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if you need someone for the history, it's would be a honor for me


Skype: Darkanen Dragonlord(Loy)


P.S. My language is french, so I will only write you on skype


And about the plan, Reaper is right. Lest start with the basic of this mod creation... the dragon mount. We have a mount animation in the main story, as I remember. Why not using that mode to help us?

Edited by Darkanen
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  • 1 month later...

Hey there!


I have an idea for how this mod could start. Maybe a khajiit could have found a dragon egg and will sell it to you, then you could get some options for what the dragon would look like then the egg would hatch once you reach level 50 or so, that way it would take a while before you could get a mount. Then you could help it grow up before you could ride it. I dunno, this was how I pictured getting a dragon would be like.

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