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Legend Of The Dragon Riders


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This sounds awesome, unfortunately i have no modding experience tho so i wouldn't be of any help. My bf and i particularly would like the idea of riding a dragon and i like a few of the quest ideas, searching for dragon eggs sounds like fun :)
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This mod coming to fruition would make my day. Maybe the Blades could attack you once you've set up the group?


That's the story I was thinking. Because for long time, they have been dragon slayer (and they may be the reason why the dragons was still hunted after Talos promise), they will surelly don't like the idea of a alliance between dragons and human.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Impressive! They made it after all!


Also, they talk about things I have never know about the history of dragons... News things to learn for me :)


Well... seen I have no news of others members of the team, and the coming of this DLC, it seen that this project will not be born...

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  • 3 months later...

is this still being made? dragon riding is all i want in skyrim and im reading inheritance now. I have a mod to control the dragon mounts in the dragonborn dlc but its really unresponsive and the dragons still try to fly in circles instead of straight

Edited by greenie0101
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Wow... its been awhile, but i'm officially back! I've had alot going on and now I can finally work on the mod. Also the dragonborn dlc brought rideable dragons which indeed tells me that there is a script for it. I'll update whenever I can, but i'm not sure if some of the people i had before are still willing to help out with it, so i'll be looking for a few people who would like to collaborate with me on the mod.

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i have worked out ideas similar to yours

but i have a better idea how the gameplay should work.


if we can compare notes

i would be happy to help with your mod

i have actually no experience with modding but my plan was to learn it while working on this mod

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oh and i made it easy on the lore

you kill a dragon and suddenly instead of you getting a soul

a soldier in strange armour appears

he gets up and starts to fight you while saying dragon slayer il teach you to attack you betters

if you kill him you find a map that shows you a secret entrance to a base in the throat of the world

there you find some soldiers in full dragon

and some in rejuvinated dragon [see my mod idea]

when you enter trough the door one of your dragon souls get sucked out

activating all those peopel [read my mod idea to see why]

their leaders are former graybeards

that try to combine humans to dragons in more ways then learning their shout.

read my mod idea for the rest

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