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Third Person Camera position is fixed


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Hello Lords and Ladies,

My third person camera/crosshair position stays the same no matter what numbers I change in Skyrim.ini. Even deleting the camera section yields no results, it stays fixed at the position I've had for so long. I used to be able to tweak it before the 1.6 patch and today is the first time I've tried to change it since. I don't think it has anything to do with mods since I don't have anything that changes the camera and I am at wits end.


Has anyone else had this problem? If so, were you able to remedy it? I've tried everything I could think of to fix this to no avail.


Please, if someone can tell me what could be wrong, I will owe you a wookie life debt, redeemable at Circuit City.

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See Thor., that is my problem. Deleting the camera entry or even the .ini file didn't work, it should have, but it didn't. The .ini tweaks I've made pre-1.6 patch are now permanent and any future tweaks I make go unnoticed by the evil leprechaun that controls my Skyrim experience.

I'd really like to know if anyone else can even change their camera tweaks now.

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I've had iHUD in the past, it doesn't help with changing perspective, it just hides the compass and health bar and junk. Besides I could definitely do without all of the SKSE related CTDs.

All other mods that "enhance the camera so to speak, also the cross hair position" are simply text files telling you how to change the values in Skyrim.ini. As I said before that doesn't work.


Don't get me wrong Thor., I appreciate your input, they just aren't the answers I need.

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Well, if you reinstall Skyrim all of your save files should be backed up on the Steam cloud (I would still make backup copies of them just in case). So have you tried that?
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I'm avoiding uninstalling Skyrim until I've exhausted all avenues. If I can't figure out what's causing this, then I have learned nothing and any time this happens to anyone else, or myself again in the future, the only thing they'll be able to do is start over. It's the easiest option but it just doesn't help anything.


Let me ask you this: Are you able to change your camera via Skyrim.ini, leirynot, and if so, what version of Skyrim are you running?

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Personally, I haven't tried as I only play in first person mode.

:laugh: Well, that helps!


But seriously somebody out there has to be willing to try changing their third person camera on there machine. Just to verify the problem.


I really just want to know now if it is actually my problem or if it was created by the patch.


So please somebody, anybody see if you can run 1.6 and change the camera in skyrim.ini.

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MISTER FRANKLIN and BASHEDPATCH,SKYRIM.INI BATMAN, I figured it out! For whatever reason the most recent version of Wrye Bash patches in your Skyrim.ini camera settings. I didn't know it did this until now. Re-Bashing the patch may fix any adjustments you've made, otherwise editing bashedpatch,skyrim.ini (or whatever yours is) works. Problem solved.
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