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Wrye Flash won't start :(


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Hi folks,


I'll keep it as short as possible (and please: Excuse my English)

I have enormous problems getting Wrye Flash running under Win7.

This is kinda funny, because I had no problems at all with this under WinXP...

(I know that the Wrye Flash thread would be the better place to ask for help but it seems rather abandoned)



1. I downloaded Wrye Python from there: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=44

(as mentioned on the Wrye Bash site)

2. I installed it as recommended (C.\Python, etc.)

3. I downloaded Wrye Flash vom the NV Nexus - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35003

4. I "installed" it to the main game folder, which now contains a \Mopy directory


So basically all I should have to do now is double-clicking the Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw

And I did so, many times... nothing happend :psyduck:

So, after reading some times in several sources like the Wrye Bash site, GameFAQs, etc. I found one answer.

Okay, so I made a shortcut and "launched" the Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw through it.


Doing so it prompts the "Python Shell"!? :wallbash:


I know that solving this problem should be easy but I have absolutely no idea what to do...


Would someone please help me? :ohdear:

Edited by luceid
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I have the same problem and my wyre bash dump file says cant find win32 system when I know its there. If you just run the wyre bash debug you can use it like that like I do, plus it will tell you whats wrong with it. I have banged my head so many times with this, I have wyre bash working with FO3 and Oblivion just not NV. But first try reseting computer if you haven't done so after installing python.
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