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Downloaded Item Issue


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So I'm having an issue with items that I've downloaded. Here's an example, but most all items I've downloaded have this issue.


I downloaded the mod for Alduin's Scale Armor (pretty sweet armor). In game, it works fine. I can craft it and the items look great and work like they should. The issue comes when I try to create an NPC in the CK. I'll create and NPC (which I've done several times, including merchants and they've all worked fine) and they'll do everything I want them to. However, whether I put the Alduin's Scale Armor in their inventory or if I make an outfit with the armor they do not use it. Even when I put the Alduin Helm and another cuirass in the outfit, the NPC will use the cuirass but wont use the Alduin items. I keep looking under the Edit tab for the items in Alduin's Scale Armor set, but I can't find anything that would prevent NPCs from using the item.


What am I overlooking? Whey can't the NPCs use the cool armor I'm getting from Nexus?




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  • 2 weeks later...
I have tried it. It's still the same, any downloaded armor doesn't show in an NPC. They also don't show when I put them in chests or other containers. Is it something that the author does to make them player only? I know you can tick this option for vanilla armors that you customize but I have no idea why I can't have NPCs use downloaded armors in the CK. I can give them the armor in game, but that's not the solution I'm looking for.
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