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Dog/animal overhaul?


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Was wondering if I could have someone help me by making this, or helping me to learn to make this, My idea is simple...


New breeds of dogs in skyrim, maybe about a dozen or so, and a few other creatures that take up the dog slots?


Breeds I was looking at were


Grey wolves



Pitties (Maybe two variants, short one and a tall one)

St Bernards

German Shepards



Sabre cats?


Bear cubs?




baby dragon?


Other changes,

Dogs scale with your level,

-gaining a damage bonus=1.5 damage per level plus their base value (It'd be 120.5+base damage at 81)

-gain five hp and five stamina per level

-run speed matches yours or your horse's

- stealth with you, with a rank equal to yours.. or a rank that is stealth=1xlevel

-can learn up to three utillity/defensive spells and cast them freely

Have up to three dogs?

and resurrectable without need for code

are unkillable but are very dismissable,

they move out of your way automatically or you can easily walk through them without collision, but other creatures would not be able to.

An option on game settings for dog bark frequency

Speech options

"Go home!" (sends dog to assigned home, if unassigned the dog asks "Where")

Look I got you some stuff! (Allows dog/companion to wear necklaces as collars and rings as bracelets, able to equip four rings)

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and resurrectable without need for code

are unkillable but are very dismissable,


Why would you need to ressurect an unkillable animal? on the other hand if someone helps you with this they can set the animals to essentials which will make them unkillable though they may fall to the ground at low health but will be back up again


btw loves your ideas

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and resurrectable without need for code

are unkillable but are very dismissable,


Why would you need to ressurect an unkillable animal? on the other hand if someone helps you with this they can set the animals to essentials which will make them unkillable though they may fall to the ground at low health but will be back up again


btw loves your ideas

I think my mind just hit the same point twice,


anyways thanks :P I've never been fond of normal followers, they just get in the way of my bow.

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