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Player Head Tracking


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It is here! head tracking!






I am only organizing this, I know nothing of scripting. but this has not been done yet. I am not sure why. but hopefully awareness makes it happen.

This is a request and possibly direction to a complete mod. If you create this mod it's credit would be solely yours. And you would deserve it.


People have attempted at this but abandoned it.


Threads looking for this mod:











Hi there,


I'm currently trying to create a mod to make the player character use the same head tracking functionality NPCs use when they're talking to you. Currently the player character just stares straight ahead, ignoring NPCs who are speaking to him and it kinda ruins the immersion if you enjoy playing in third person. Ideally, the player character should turn their head to look at any NPC currently talking to him and maybe glance at nearby NPCs or objects within a certain range.


I've never modded Skyrim or a Bethesda game before but I do write mobile phone apps for a living so it wasn't too difficult to get the gist of things. Digging through the API reference I see several methods that look relevant: Actor.SetHeadTracking, Actor.SetLookAt, Actor.ClearLookAt


Unfortunately I couldn't get these to do what I wanted. Now, I know how to program, but I don't know much about the CK itself, so I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong in the editor or just not understanding some elements of Papyrus, or if the issue is something else, but any assistance would be appreciated.


I started off by adding a new script to the Player actor in the CK, and writing the following code:


Scriptname PlayerHeadTracking extends ObjectReference

Actor Property lydiaRef Auto
Actor Property pcRef Auto

bool isEnabled

Event OnInit()
Debug.Notification("Loaded plugin.")

Event OnUpdate()
if isEnabled == true
 Debug.Notification("Clearing look target.")
 Debug.Notification("Looking at target.")
isEnabled = !isEnabled


I basically wanted to try getting the head tracking part down before worrying about the other bits (where to attach the script, who to look at, etc.) so I made this simple script that simply alternates between looking at Lydia and clearing the target every 5 seconds. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I get all of the relevant notification messages so the script is running, but the SetLookAt function doesn't appear to do anything.


I have swapped the references (making Lydia look at the player) and it works fine, so I don't think I'm making any issues with the editor, but I'm not certain. Perhaps I have to do something special with the player actor to be able to "modify" him? I'm not sure.


I suspect it might actually have something to do with the idle animation... the default idle animation for the player has them glance around at nothing in particular, not using head tracking, just as part of the general idle animation. NPCs don't seem to do this... they're always moving their head to look at another actor or object it seems. I wonder if the player character has a different idle animation that overrides any head movement I might set, and if so, would there be a way to remove such an animation?


Any ideas?



Hi there,


I'm currently trying to create a mod to make the player character use the same head tracking functionality NPCs use when they're talking to you. Currently the player character just stares straight ahead, ignoring NPCs who are speaking to him and it kinda ruins the immersion if you enjoy playing in third person. Ideally, the player character should turn their head to look at any NPC currently talking to him and maybe glance at nearby NPCs or objects within a certain range.


I've never modded Skyrim or a Bethesda game before but I do write mobile phone apps for a living so it wasn't too difficult to get the gist of things. Digging through the API reference I see several methods that look relevant: Actor.SetHeadTracking, Actor.SetLookAt, Actor.ClearLookAt


Unfortunately I couldn't get these to do what I wanted. Now, I know how to program, but I don't know much about the CK itself, so I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong in the editor or just not understanding some elements of Papyrus, or if the issue is something else, but any assistance would be appreciated.


I started off by adding a new script to the Player actor in the CK, and writing the following code:




Scriptname PlayerHeadTracking extends ObjectReference

Actor Property lydiaRef Auto
Actor Property pcRef Auto

bool isEnabled

Event OnInit()
Debug.Notification("Loaded plugin.")

Event OnUpdate()
if isEnabled == true
 Debug.Notification("Clearing look target.")
 Debug.Notification("Looking at target.")
isEnabled = !isEnabled


I basically wanted to try getting the head tracking part down before worrying about the other bits (where to attach the script, who to look at, etc.) so I made this simple script that simply alternates between looking at Lydia and clearing the target every 5 seconds. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I get all of the relevant notification messages so the script is running, but the SetLookAt function doesn't appear to do anything.


I have swapped the references (making Lydia look at the player) and it works fine, so I don't think I'm making any issues with the editor, but I'm not certain. Perhaps I have to do something special with the player actor to be able to "modify" him? I'm not sure.


I suspect it might actually have something to do with the idle animation... the default idle animation for the player has them glance around at nothing in particular, not using head tracking, just as part of the general idle animation. NPCs don't seem to do this... they're always moving their head to look at another actor or object it seems. I wonder if the player character has a different idle animation that overrides any head movement I might set, and if so, would there be a way to remove such an animation?


Any ideas?



Hey there...I tried your script and can't seem to make it work either. Whomever get's this working is going to be a Superstar!

People have been clamoring for months on getting their player to seem less lifeless. I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't a character look issue but a skeletal one (having to do with the bones associated with the characters' rig).



I hope you get this sorted! When you create your character you can click drag his head to move it around; and that's the last time his head will ever move! I like to take cool screenshots but it's very annoying that the player never looks at anything. A dragon could be perched right above him but he will never even glance at it. :facepalm:



I came across this:

ShowHeadTrackTarget (SHeadT)

Show the head track target if set from look function


Now if I can only find out what this Look Function is! What this does as a console command is set any persons (NPC and player alike to have no head animations) I basically states: (player name) is looking at (NPC Name)...BUT THE PLAYER ISN'T LOOKING AT ANYTHING!! MODDER RAGE!!!

I don't seen any references to this anywhere. Any idea?




More information will be created below and if progress is made I will post the information up here.

Edited by strazytski
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  • 2 weeks later...

i also tried to use scripts (my own), but it does not work on a player, why was it off?


Perhaps Shegorat controls their mind.

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Since player head tracking seems to be impossible, we can safely conclude that the Dragonborn's neck is just for show. How about a mod that makes him fall over when he looks up? Edited by JanusForbeare
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