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Player Head Tracking


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Well that one certainly came out of the blue. Good on him.


I never did get around to testing my ideas on this as I've been busy with several other modding projects, but the option that I was going to try (in addition to setting the headtracking flag and using the SetLookAt function) was to disable the player's look controls, as I reckoned that the mouse look control would always override any head tracking feature. I presume that that might be what Maegfaer did. Can't really say for sure, as he hasn't included his script sources with the mod, but I feel that that might have been the crux of what was missing from Anidamo's original script.

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Since player head tracking seems to be impossible, we can safely conclude that the Dragonborn's neck is just for show. How about a mod that makes him fall over when he looks up?



I am gonna quote you when Head Tracking happens. and bury you with it.


@strazytski: don't forget your promise, LOL. :devil:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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