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Request; Khajiit Sprint Animation


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Hi everyone õ/ [Oh wait... How do I know that someone gonna read this? '-'...]

I want a help [When I say 'a help' I mean a help in the of creating it for me or teaching how to create *-*] with the creation of a MOD that change the animation of the Khajiit sprinting to the Werewolf >.<

So... I think that I said everything that I had to say, then... If someone read this and try to help Im gonna be VEEEERY grateful.

So thanks \õ [Why I am thanking?! õ.o]


*Mental note: Stop discussing with myself while I write topics.*

*Mental note 2: Stop writing my mentals note in the topics...*

*Mental note 3: Put food to my dog Bob.*

*Mental note 4: Ignore the mental note 2.*

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