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First try, first fail. Please help


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So I gave up on doing most of the complicated things I had planned, for the time being, and decided just to do something really simple so I can see if I can actually insert stuff into the game without breaking it. I watched several tutorials regarding settlements, so I decided to see if i can just slightly increase the size of a a settlement build-area.


I was successful in that I got the pretty glowing green wall to move where I wanted it, which I felt was a major victory considering everything i had to go through just to get it how I wanted it. It was right where I intended it IG and looked fine... only thing is, IT DIDN'T WORK. The 'build area' was still in the original spot. All I did was move the damn visual aid. Can anyone tell me how to get the workshop to recognize the new, larger area?


Thanx in advance.

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Okay, figured it out - for some weird reason there are two 'boxes', and I wasn't seeing the correct one. I had to hide the other until I was done manipulating the one I wanted. I loaded it up and everything seemed to be working perfectly (except I still couldn't scrap a lot of stuff in the new areas, so that's going to require even more work.


But I think I screwed something else up because now my game isn't saving correctly... Grrrrrrrr... modding is HARD. lol


P.S. - is there something special about the Airport i should know? It seems the items there are set to appear at different times - could that have been what I messed up? I don't think I altered anything else (everytime I accidentally grabbed the wrong thing, I made sure to hit 'undo' several times). I also made sure not to go into the BoS areas so as not to mess up future quests with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is 2 mods on nexus (one for the dlcs) that expands the borders/build area. You might want to use them. Everything is done in them.


I use one of those, but for some reason it doesn't really give you any extra room at the Airport, which is the one I was trying to tweak (most are fine with the one mod I use, and a couple are TOO big, even though I chose a fairly conservative mod).


That game got totally screwed up - for whatever reason, I lost all my finished quests data - the game thought I hadn't done any quests yet, even though I was level 126. I thought it was just some sort of bizarre, one-in-a-million mishap I must have triggered by whatever i did to the Airport...


Only thing is, it just happened again. My game doesn't remember anything I did... but I am still level 30. Has anyone seen this problem before? I didn't mod anything myself this time! What could be doing this? I haven't even come across this problem with anyone else. The only thing I did was get rid of a mod I had straight from Bethesda, and now I am wondering if that's what caused this problem the last time - does it change the load order in such a way that the 'save' can no longer see the correct data for quests? The only thing with that is that I can't possibly be the only person to have ever done that. It WASN'T CC material - when I first got the game on computer I was in a rush to play it and downloaded a bunch of stuff - nothing major - from Beth. Then I found the Nexus and got rid of most of that stuff (there was just a couple I kept because they were so minor and/or I couldn't find something similar on Nexus). So earlier i got rid of two robot-related mods in favor of an all-in-one I found on nexus, and now I have this problem FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!


EDIT: And in both cases, Bethesda decided to do an update right when I was tinkering with stuff. Now I don't know whats to blame. {sigh}

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