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Who has the most stable PC build for Skyrim, what are you using?


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have had no crashing since i built my new PC in may...


Core i7 2700k OCd to 4Ghz

16gb kingston hyperX 1600mhz ram

120GB boot drive(OZC Agility 3)

2tb storage drive 7500RPM, SATA 3,6Gb/s (also the location of Steam and Skyrim)

Zotac Geforce GTX 680 stock



as for mods im using: only using STEP

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Well, I just finished building a new PC with an i5 3570k. The game plays at ultra settings stock without problems. I think I will have to use an fps limiter again to eliminate stutter (but I suppose that's because I'm using the same graphics card). I just made a backup of the game using steam and I am slowly going to start adding mods.


Is there a thread or post that list mods that work together without problems? I know that most mod pages direct you to the FAQ thread for compatibility, but that really never helps.

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