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Question About Dawnguard if it comes to PC....


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Probably as a patch and the game will probably move up to 1.6.95 or 6 or something. There has to be some bugs there for pc version that will have to be fixed to get it to work right and they need to fix some bugs in the latest pc skyrim anyway so why not get both problems sovled at one time? I hope that is one of the reasons why they make us wait 30 days for it.
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I doubt the gray face bug will affect it, seeing as modders are easily capable of fixing it. I doubt Bethesda has even seriously considered patching it since they can just export the data manually.
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i'd actually refer to the Dawnguard DLC as an 'expansion' they're charging around $15 for, not a 'patch'.. whatever.

probably be an ESM and BSA archive, don't recall ever seeing an ESP come from Bethesda for Skyrim (Oblivion used esp's).

Devs say the size of the expansion lands somewhere between the Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles expansions for Oblivion,

with roughly 10-20 hours of gameplay.

Xbox Live Marketplace gamers report the install size at 581.70MB.

Edited by xlcr
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Dawnguard will come to pc and ps3 it was confirmed even before skyrim´s release, but xbox has 30 days exclusivity, I believe dawnguard will be released on 26 july for pc and ps3 and that will come as an esm or esp like bethesda´s previews DLC´s.
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Dawnguard for the xbox uses a .bsa and .esm file (packaged into a ms live file of course) . You can actually extract the bsa and esm files and load them in the pc version as a mod, and it KIND OF works.. lol You'll hear the guards talk about the dawnguard and it will load the quest into your journel... but sadly will cause the pc game to crash after just a minute or two.
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DG is pretty much a DLC. I played through it on 360, did all of the side quests, etc. going through the Vamp line and it took about 7 hours. Its like a big Fallout DLC meets KotK. It's 20 bucks. It's maybe a third of what SI was (perhaps a little less). Edited by Enatiomorph
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