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I'm not sure what caused this, (I was told possibly the incorrect uninstallation of a mod) but I now cannot use any of Skyrim's appliances (grindstones, arcane enchanters, forges, etc.) Whenever I attempt to do so, the camera adjusts as though I were about to start the animation for whichever appliance I'm at, but my controls are just frozen for a few seconds as it attempts unsuccessfully to run the animation and then my controls are returned but I can no longer change the camera in any way. Additionally, I can not hear any voices ingame, the animation for walking/running is replaced by a slide (the moving character stands still and moves forward) and I am unable to unsheathe weapons/spells. Any suggestions?
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Have you tried starting a new game? I'm not saying you necessarily have to abandon the old save, but if a new game works that means the save is broken. If a new game is just as broken as the old save, that means there must be some pieces of the mod left over you could get rid of.
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Two ways to fix it, off the top of my head.


Uninstall all of your mods, and delete all of your mesh and texture files and stuff, minus the BSAs. just don't mess with /sound and whatnot. Now try the thing with a new game. If it works, all done! The problem is likely due to mod files that Skyrim loads after it's BSA files messing up the animations or the window for crafting. This clears those up and when you reinstall the mods it will put all of the meshes and textures back in there, sans the culprits. Another reason this would work is if the mod had overwritten a file that another mod had placed. Meaning that uninstalling the mod would have removed the file completely, screwing up your other mod.


If that doesn't work... It is probably a problem more ingrained into the game itself, like a bad script. I don't know about all that stuff, so this is what I do when faced with that kind of situation......

Reinstall. Any mods that you've customized or whatnot, tho, you'll wanna back up the changed files, unless you repackaged the mod file with the new stuff. Then load up your mod manager of choice (Wrye Bash, NMM, TESModManager, whatever) and export your load order. Uninstall all mods, then uninstall Skyrim. reinstall it and then reinstall your mods.


I've had this type of problem with Oblivion and Skyrim a lot, and this always works. Hope it helps you out. It's likely that there are other ways to go about fixing your Skyrim installation, but these are the simplest if you don't know EXACTLY what the problem is.

Edited by gamingaddict1994
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