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Adding New Power To Custom Race


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So after hours of searching for a solution online, I have to start this thread. I was trying to avoid posting something that may have been resolved in another thread. I successfully created a new race and got it playable in-game but can't seem to add a power or spell in the race window in the CK. I add the power, click ok to confirm the change in the race window, and when I go to look at the new race again the power is no longer in the spell window. I'm sure the power is not the problem because I tried even adding an unmodded spell to the list of racial spells and that doesn't stick either.


I know how to add spells to a races list because I've done it before. :( But now it's not working. Any one know what's wrong? Thank you in advance!


Never mind it's working now. Don't know how but it is. :)

Edited by JesterKing
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