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DMC outfit/armor request


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im used to seeing females character and there's a lot of (MOSTLY) females armor and clothing mods then males...so i wonder why male mods outfit/armor tend to stick to steel and iron, why dont the modders branch out,i mean just take an armor from mass effect 3 and splice with idk fur armor or something and make it like modern mideval age kickass armor/outfit.


Anyway...back to my request i hope some of the modders out there,would here my plea....i been looking around for something similar to those outfit that dante,nero and vergil's wear.....and i do think everyone knows who those 3 are....everyone knows dante and vergil is the son of sparda,from DEVIL MAY CRY series....im only request if u can find it in ur free time >w< to make a bit or at least similar to those of Devil May Cry outfit....i love the outfits and weapon from those series...i think it might fit great with skyrims.


i just hope others DMC fans might agree with me..>w< anyway hope u guys look it up


see ya... :tongue:

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it would also be freaking amazing if the capes flailed around you know what I mean? like if you've ever played Batman Arkham City the cape flails in any direction the wind is blowing or when your running the cape follows behind you know something more realistic for the game, I love the idea of DMC armor in the game, and I know there's the cloaks of skyrim mod but that doesnt follow the effects of a real cape or cloak in the game, it just sticks to the player like a piece of toilet paper lol
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Big tip:


Throwing out names of a game title and random names will lower your chance of getting it done by approximately infinite. Nobody wants to surf the forums, and then have to google half an hour and hope he gets the right stuff.

And yes, I know what you speak of.


A few tips:


Get pictures.

Write what you want, how you want, why you want it.

Try to use a decent writing setup, so we can understand without problem. Misunderstandings are bad in most cases.

Try to avoid using "u" instead of "you". That trend died for anybody not texting long ago.


Other than that, good luck!



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What Matth says, it's true. Really good synopsis on how to post a thread, buddy ;)

As for your request, it's not a bad idea. In fact, some of the weapons from DMC would fit pretty well within the game. I said "some" because I don't think that guns or the guitar (don't remember the name) would fit that nice.

Anyways... I think I saw some DMC costumes made for Skyrim somewhere through Google. I won't post links because of copyrights.

Try to look on chinese or russian forums. Mostly sure you'll find something.

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