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Light Foot only active while sneaking


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Hello there,


i tried to modify the light foot perk, so that it is only active while i sneak. the perk seems a bit overpowered otherwise, but i still would like to keep the mechanic, because i have my followers use it to maneuver through trap-areas.

so i thought it might be fun the have the ability linked to the sneaking status, and only avoid traps while moving carefully. however, i was a bit confused about how to implement such a thing.

any tips or ideas would be much appreciated.


Best wishes.

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oh my, from what it looks like, that light foot perk works by having each trap in the game check whether the player has the perk or not.

would this mean, that i have to change in fact the traps and not the perk entry itself to get the functionality i'm looking for?

or is there some clever way to implement it otherwise (several hundered tryps sure are discouraging :-()

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